Monday Morning Thoughts

Jun 07, 2021 5:47 pm

I woke up this morning and this thought came through my mind...

If I knew I only had 10 years left on this earth, or less, how would my actions be different today?!?

It's quite the possibility for all of us.

Yet, why do humans run from this possibility of our death coming at any moment?

It is my belief...we strive to be "busy" because we are running from the ultimate fact that we are just little blips in this universe.

This scares us.

The utter amount of insignificance we have.

At the end of the day, we are monkey's who are intelligent enough to be depressed about our past mistakes, and anxious about the future plans we try to make.

Seriously, how grateful we should be to have a brain that allows so much thought. Sadly, most become a victim to their thoughts, rather than using them to create magic within the universe.




Here's my ask of you today.

Instead of letting the insignificance cripple you.

Use it to your advantage!!!

You literally can do anything you set your mind to in this life.

If won't be easy.

It may take a long time.

But you can do it!

You literally have nothing to lose!

Whatever anyone thinks of you...we will all turn into dust anyway so why does it matter what they think?

The universe doesn't judge you.

So make up your own significance! Follow the path that fills your heart with joy and your mind with a sense of peace.

Only you know what this looks like.

You don't have to explain it to anyone.

Remember, only you will have to live with repercussion if you don't do it.

Everyone else will keep on judging you whether you do or don't do it.



p.s. I am grateful to to be at peace with the fact that even though I have a "plan" every day I wake up... I am okay with the alternate plan the universe has in store for me.
