Show me your friends, I'll show you your future.
Apr 16, 2021 6:36 pm
A positive environment is literally EVERYTHING when it comes to living a better life.
Surrounding yourself with others who WALK THE WALK, not just talk, is critical.
Fortunately for me, my two first best friends in my life, they set me up to achieve anything I ever wanted in life.
Those two friends are/were my parents.
Today is my dad's "retirement" from the corporate world.
But if you know my dad, the man cannot sit still for shit. (Now you know where I get it from).
It is a blessing/curse sometimes to have that Finley gene lol.
In this case, it is great though because it means he is far from "retirement" from life.
And that excites the hell out of me. I cannot wait to watch/help my dad THRIVE ON LIFE!
First off, congrats dad, you earned this. Now go relax a bit damnit!!! I know mom will show this to you LOL.
I grew up in an environment where we had to earn anything we wanted out of life.
We wanted new toys? New cleats? New bikes? New skateboards?
We had to work for them. And I don't mean go make my bed kind of work. I mean my brother and I were mowing lawns as elementary school kids.
Literally before I was even 5, I can remember helping my dad work on cars, do landscaping, build things around the house....I wasn't that much of a "help" at the time though, more like a rambunctious kid that distracted him hahaha
But the principle of watching him put in the work EVERY SINGLE literally shaped my world.
Combine that with my mom having dinner ready for us at the end of the day, I realized what teamwork was from very early on. I understood what COMMUNITY meant and how everyone can have their own role.
This understanding transferred over early on in my own life as I quickly excelled as a 4+ sport athlete. Now as an adult I can understand WHY I excelled....because of the environment my best friends (parents) had built for me.
Constant progression of learning, challenging me, and providing necessities so that I even had a shot to excel in the first place.
I state all this, because even if you didn't have that environment, NOW IT IS YOUR CHANCE TO CREATE IT FOR YOURSELF!!!
There are people in the community out there (me, cough cough cough) who want you to excel in this life. We want the most for YOU!!!
I don't succeed unless YOU succeed. Nobody likes being at the top of the mountain all alone. Heck I don't even think being at the top with others is the most fun part. I want to go through the hard shit with you. I want to challenge myself alongside YOU. I want YOU to experience what it is like to have best friends that actually care about your journey.
Just like I had two best friend's who set me up for a lifetime of THRIVING no matter where I go.
So what is my ask?!?
This weekend I want you to think about what environment you are currently in. Is it conducive to achieving the future you want? Or is it harming that vision you have in your head?
The best thing you can do is "retire" the environment that is harmful to you and your future, and allow yourself to step into a new one that truly suits the person you are hoping to become, as well as the lifestyle you are working so hard to LIVE.
Then every day from here on out...take one step closer to that environment.
p.s. today I am truly happy for my Dad. I am very much looking forward to watching him build the next chapter of his life, as well as continue my own journey of learning from him and my mother as they continue to make this life an adventure.