White Sands.
Dec 20, 2021 8:46 pm
Yesterday I went to White Sands, New Mexico.
And I asked Erin and myself a question...
"What is your / my biggest dream?"
And the coolest thing happened when I looked for a response to it...
I couldn't think of anything.
Which is rare for me because I have a lot of dreams I want to achieve during my lifetime.
Then I thought "hmm, why can't I think of anything?"
My response was simple.
I was living a dream.
Today's message is short and sweet.
Whatever it is that you are dreaming of right now, define the steps that are needed for you to bring that dream to reality, then take one step each day to make it happen.
As for me, I had been dreaming of White Sands for awhile now.
I wanted to accomplish 3 things
- I wanted to capture a time-lapse of the sunset. (Erin and I have done our best to catch a sunset in every city / spot we have ever traveled to. Most of the time I take a photo or two, but this time I wanted a lasting memory). If you want to watch the 25 second time-lapse, WATCH IT HERE.
- I brought all my camera gear to capture us dancing / playing / JUST BEING... while the sunset was the backdrop. This was a creative vision I had a long time ago. I often tell people that they should treat their life like a movie, and they are the star in it. And this was my chance to make a scene in my movie, with my co-star/best friend/love of my life. Watch a screen recording of it HERE. The quality of screen recording is reduced, but I captured the 4k (optimal version) that I had dreamed of. This was a once in a lifetime moment/shot for me.
- Be present. Find peace. Flow. I felt lost yesterday. Lost in a good way. No problems. No wandering negative thoughts. Just me and the most important person to me, with me. My goal is to have more of these moments. Hell, my definition of my "good life" is acquiring as many memories/moments like these as possible.
So, what is a dream you have that you can step towards RIGHT NOW?
Let's step towards them together!
Go crush your week!
p.s. today I am grateful for ALL OF IT. For life. For having LIVED enough to know what feeling ALIVE truly means. And I want to share this feeling with as many people on this planet as possible.