You should be a designer...

Jun 22, 2021 5:17 pm

of your own life!!!!

Today will be short and sweet.

I want to show you a practical approach to designing the life you want.

Easiest way to do this?

I show you mine, you show me yours.

(I was on a call recently with someone I look up to, and to my surprise, he showed me how he broke down his life, and it reminded me that I needed to update how I look at my own life distribution. So here is the update below).


Create a pie chart on how you want your life to be broken down.

For me, the goal is to spend 30% ( about 7.2 hours ) of my time is spent in sleep to maintain my best health and best self.

That cuts everything else to 70%.

What is 70 percent of 24 hours?

0.7 x 24 = 16.8 hours = 1,008 minutes per day that I get to utilize.

How do I want to break those minutes down?

Time spent with Erin, my wife, is my main focus. In the future, hopefully we are blessed to have kids and that will become another focus to add in.

Then comes my work, health practices, family/friends, travel, and misc.

When broken down into a single day it looks like this...

(I did the math rounding 7.2 hours of sleep to 8 hours....aka I have 16 hours to utilize).

25% x 16 hours = 4 hours with Erin

20% x 16 hours = 3.2 for work

Hours with Erin: 4

Hours in deep work: 3.2

Hours dedicated to my health: 1.6

Hours dedicated to family/friends: 1.12

Hours traveling: 1.12

(driving, biking, time spent in motion to get to places)

Misc: 0.16

Do I accomplish this every day? Heck no. Not even close.

Yet, with this setup, I now have goal posts and a target to work towards. It helps me make decisions in my life... from small things like to spend time answering text messages, go on social media or not, etc, to big things like do I want to take on a new client or not.

Too many people meander through life without realizing the most important thing we have doesn't sit in a bank account, fill a house, or drive on a road...the most important thing we have is our time.

It is my belief, that lifestyle design should literally be introduced at the kindergarten level. Because what is the point of life if you are not working towards controlling your time here on earth?!?!?!

So today's homework is for YOU TO DESIGN YOUR OWN LIFE.

Then go out into the world and live through the life you have designed for yourself. It won't be perfect from the start, but you can take small steps each day towards earning the life you designed.

I'd love to see what you come up with!



p.s. today I am grateful that one of my good friend's Alex Weber is in town. I will get to see him this morning at the track pack, and I am recording a podcast with him Thursday. I am glad I will be able to fill my time spent with friends this week!
