URGENT is a lie.
Apr 19, 2021 6:29 pm
It's Monday and I know you have "shit to do."
But do you really?
Is the week really about urgently getting things done? All so that you can check them off, make yourself feel better, and make it to another weekend where you try to block out the thought of the stress from the next week ahead?
I'll be honest with you, I lose track of days because I don't really have weeks or weekends. I just have days. And when you approach every day with the same level of passion, intensity, and excitement...Monday can be Saturday and Sunday can be Friday.
What helped me get to this point? Realizing that nothing in life is "urgent."
Your job, your "boss," your friends, your family, your own mind...they will make you feel otherwise.
But once you come back to reality, once you realize that you are one little spec of dust in a universe that was here long before you, and will be here long after you, you start to realize that the only thing that matters is your own time here on earth. And that time SHOULD NOT BE SPENT URGENTLY FULFILLING DUTIES FOR OTHER PEOPLE.
Urgent is a lie!
I am here to give you the confidence to say HELL NO to things this week that others will try to place on you.
You can do it.
Make this week about YOU.
I'll end here...
what if you urgently took care of your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing... rather than the tasks your "job," your "school," and your "monkey brain" puts on you? How different would your life look?
p.s. today I am grateful for everything and everyone I have in my life. If I haven't told you recently, I love you. You are worthy of an amazing life. You can achieve anything you want to in this world. You just have to believe and work hard for it!