If it is not a FUCK yes, it is a hell no.

Apr 27, 2021 8:51 pm

Did that subject line get your attention? I hope so.

This topic is something near and dear to my heart.

Something I have noticed a lot recently, and I am not sure if this is because my friends are in a certain stage of their lives, but a lot of people struggle with indecisiveness.

Is it because of the comparison syndrome that social media creates?

Is it because there are so many options to choose from in today's world? Therefore creating analysis paralysis.

Is it because we have more acquaintances, friends, and family to please than in any generation before us?

What is it?!?

I am extremely intrigued and curious about the questions I am asking because I see so many people in pain and struggling with the above...and I want to help lead them down a path of solving it for themselves.


^^^something critical to you, me, and everyone around us... yet how many times do we let perspective and gratitude get away from us?

It got away from me so much in my life, I literally had to tattoo my hand to remind me why I am here on earth.


What does it mean?

Water droplet: The mindfulness symbol is about time and space, past, present and future. It resembles a water drop, brings you to the present moment, the centre, the drop existing both in and out of the water, part of the water, part of the air. The drop is the present moment, the point of contact, the centre of everything.

The heartbeat: reminds me that my physical time here on earth is finite.

The ripples: reminds me that I can either leave a negative ripple or positive wherever I go. I have a choice. And I will always choose the positive path, even if it is more difficult and filled with tougher decisions.

The clock: Brings it all together. The droplet of mindfulness reminds me that my time here on earth is determined by the amount of heartbeats I have, and with those heartbeats I can choose to make this earth a better place by creating a positive ripple effect.

I tell you this not to convince you of tattoos.

Rather, I want you to write your own story.

Gather your own reminders.

Your own PERSPECTIVE on life where you feel competent and confident in your decisions.

Because when I have choices to make...hard decisions to determine...I look at my hand and remind myself of my WHY.

And prior to having the tattoo, I had journals, blogs, books, photo albums, people...other ways to remind me of my WHY.

This WHY will guide you to realizing what is a "FUCK YES" for you and your life. It will be there at all times, a little voice in your head, that ushers you in the path that is FOR YOU.

More importantly, your WHY ultimately makes it very easy for you to determine what is NOT FOR YOU. You know the feeling of what a "hell no" is. We all do. That feeling of "ughhh this just isn't for me."


Better days = better life.

Write down the FUCK YES's of your life, and the HELL NO's.

Everything from the places you have traveled, the weather you like don't like, the people you surround yourself with, your career, your hobbies...write it all down.

When we visualize all of these, we then can remind ourselves of the scripture we wrote and we can therefore make decisions based off what we have previous written. It literally will be your own personal reminder of WHY you are here and WHAT you want to do at all times.

This will lead you to better days.



p.s. today I am grateful to have learned to create my own reminders for my life. They come in handy more times than I can count. I hope they will do the same for you.
