Stop the war, but become the WARRIOR.

Mar 17, 2021 6:56 pm

"It is one thing to study war and another to live the warrior's life."

-Telamon of Arcadia, mercenary of the fifth century B.C.

If you have a look around, over the the course of the last 50 years, we have bred a society that focuses on cutting corners to get "certificates, degrees, participation trophies..." rather than jumping into the arena and focusing on what is most important.

What does the certificate mean if you didn't actually learn anything while achieving it?

How is the degree valuable if you still don't know how to execute and use your skills to provide value to the world?

Why is the trophy important when it doesn't add any value to your life if you didn't do the hard work to earn it?

The hard work. The sweat, blood, and tears that go into learning & earning something...those build the principles of a human being that will survive the internal war that we all go through during our lifetimes.

Today, I ask you to focus less on whatever "war" you are going through inside your head. And instead, focus on what you can do to become a better warrior? Typically the first step is to enter the arena. Get a taste of what it is like to go into battle.

^^^no I don't actually mean sign yourself up for war, or go fight someone.

Here are a few examples of what I mean...

Lets say that you have had thoughts about switching careers...stop researching and watching YouTube videos on what you "should" do, stop tweaking your resume every night, stop wasting time on "studying the war," and instead, get your ass in the arena.


Reach out to 5-10 people a day.

Set 2-5 coffee chats / zoom calls a week.

Attend 1-2 industry related events a week.

And for fucks sake, ATTACK YOUR GOAL!!!

We live in a privileged world where if you don't attack, death isn't the repercussion. Thousands of years ago, that would not have been the case.

Realize the massive amount of privilege you have, and shut the fuck up with your complaints. I am sorry, I am not sorry for calling you out. Somebody has to care enough about you to do it, so here I am. #strivetogether #THRIVETOGETHER

If you refuse to attack, don't go to your friends and family to blame life when it shits all over you. It was your own doing.

Here are a few more examples that I hear a lot...

I want to start a business but...

I want to be a writer but....

I want to be a photographer but...

I want to host this group but...


Start the business. It is not rocket science.

Wake up and write every day. We have these things called phones and computers to write on.

Take 50 photos a day on your phone, then edit them at night. It has never been easier to become a photographer.

Host a group...and even if only 1 person shows, make it the best damn event they ever attended. Don't host events for "clout" and social acknowledgement, host to better the lives of whoever shows up.


And you will THRIVE ON LIFE.



p.s. today I am grateful that life kicked the shit out of me in my early/mid-twenties. I had no clue what I wanted, where I wanted to be, or why I wanted to even be alive. Then I decided to enter the arena, and my life changed forever. Now I hope to bring other people into the arena with me.
