It is okay not to be okay.
Apr 15, 2021 6:21 pm
I come off as a hyper optimistic and positive person. Both in person and in the digital realm.
The reasoning behind it though, is not what you may think.
In fact, I think about a lot of bad things quite often. Pretty much every day to be honest.
My favorite music tends to be more depressive than it is "dancy" and upbeat.
My favorite pieces of content tend to have some kind of sad story within them.
My favorite movies are the ones that can make a grown ass man cry.
It is okay not to be okay.
One of my good friends sent out a heartfelt message yesterday explaining that he is scared.
His mom has been battling stage four cancer and he doesn't know what is going to happen. None of his family knows what will happen. And during a pandemic, the family is scared of who she can/can't see. Whether covid will kill her, cancer will kill her, or the vaccine will kill her. They just don't know.
Life is so raw and real, yet so many of us are clouded by all the noise that is poisoning our souls.
It is okay not to be okay.
The world will try to make you feel like you should continue just moving along. Continue to answer your emails and your text messages. Continue to pretend that everything is fine and you have it all figured out.
But the reality is, you don't. And that is okay. Because none of us do.
It is okay not to be okay.
The reason why I am so optimistic and positive....
I am being the person that I NEED MOST IN MY LIFE.
A lot of the times, I am not, and was not okay.
I am scared, I was scared, and I will always be scared.
I am human.
My friend is human.
You are human.
It is okay not to be okay.
It is also okay, to accept that you are not okay, and still be courageous.
Because courage isn't about not having fear, or not being scared.
Courage is the ability to say I am scared, I am fearful, but I will continue to go on and be the man/woman/person that I know I can be for this world and for the people around me.
Courage is saying that I will not let the fear, or the fact that I am scared, corrupt my thoughts, my energy, and my soul at its core.
And I am extremely grateful that I have courageous friend's around me, who are willing to be vulnerable, and remind us all that we are in this thing we call life...TOGETHER.
To my friend, I am so sorry for what you are going through. I truly am.
Cancer has ripped a hole in my family as well. And it looms over my head almost every day. My entire health and wellness journey, the one you see on social media every day, it is my entire life because I don't want to leave my future kids, and the love of my life Erin, without me. My aunt died at age 40 of colon cancer...and I am 30 struggling with digestive issues that I have had my entire life.
It brings tears to my eyes knowing how scared I am at times.
It is okay not to be okay.
But it will never be okay to be an asshole, a pessimist, and someone who leaves this world worse off.
No matter how bad things get, you always have a choice to seek the light in the darkest of times.
It will be okay.
I love you all.
p.s. Today I am dedicating my day to everyone who has lost someone close to them, or who is struggling with something themselves. Please just don't give up hope. Don't stop shining your light. We need your shine now more than ever. Together we can conquer anything. Sending love, light, and gratitude to you.