The big picture...
Jul 25, 2022 1:13 pm
is made up of small pixels.
Image if Picasso's paintings were judged by the first stroke of his paint brush?
Well, I have an inkling that is what you may be doing to yourself every single day.
Why do I have this inkling?
I have done this to myself, and have seen my close friends and family do it as well.
We forget that at the beginning stages of anything we do...
It is distorted.
It is messy.
It is unimpressive.
Example: You don't ever expect a baby to run on the day it comes out the womb... And you don't ever expect a 5 year old to be able to run as fast as a 20 year old...right?
So why are you setting your expectations so HIGH on the first stroke of your paint brush?
This week I want you to focus on the BIGGER PICTURE.
Remind yourself that you have 24 hours today to leave your mark (pixel).
Everything beyond that is not guaranteed!
Now go out and do the damn thing. :)
p.s. today I am grateful for all the first time ice bathers who got in the community ice bath yesterday. It was inspiring to see so many people conquer their own fears and challenge themselves into growing as human beings.