each one, TEACH ONE... or two.. or many.
Jul 22, 2022 1:08 pm
Another week is about to be "done."
Or a new week starting....
What is a week anyway?
Who did you help this week?
Who did you teach this week?
Who did you raise up this week?
Why are these questions ^^^ not asked more?
Instead, what you will find at your happy hours, or your weekend gatherings, is people asking you the questions...
How are you?
What do you do for work?
What have you achieved lately?
What are you working towards?
So on and so forth.
Naturally we are raised in a society that has conditioned us to ask these questions so then we can caste judgement and rank other people on our totem pole of who we should or shouldn't give our respect to. :(
I want to change this.
I want to live through the quote "be the change you wish to see."
Right now is one way I am doing it.
I will ask you again...
Who did you help this week?
Who did you teach this week?
Who did you raise up this week?
and now I will add to this
Who will you help next week?
Who will you teach next week?
Who will you raise up next week?
I promise you that if you spend your time asking yourself these questions, and then answering them every week through your actions, your life will become vastly improved because you will be helping other people improve theirs.
Each one, teach one.
When we strive together, WE THRIVE TOGETHER.
p.s. today I am grateful for the many coaches and teachers I have had throughout my life who have spent countless hours helping me improve my own life. You are not forgotten. You are part of my fuel to lead in the same way you lead me.