Exposure = Opportunity = Currency

Jul 18, 2022 1:37 pm

I rarely, if ever do this...

Today I am asking you to take 1 minute of your time to go watch this short video where I describe what Exposure = Opportunity = Currency means.

If you watch the video, it is nothing crazy.

In fact, it is super simple.

Yet, it is one of the most important pieces of micro-content that I have ever created.


Because it is an equation to life.

Whether you live in the corporate world, the entrepreneurial world, or you are retired and don't "work" at all... this equation can be utilized by you at all times to help you build the life you dream of.

Want more income ($$$) ???


Go expose yourself to new challenges, new environments, and new people that will challenge you to grow.

Through this discomfort, you will EARN NEW OPPORTUNITIES.

Opportunities = $$$.


The key to you earning more time freedom for yourself starts with your willingness to put yourself out there and gain more exposure.




"Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is the definition of insanity."

Yet, I witness people everyday making the same complaints that they did the day before... but they haven't changed their habits or actions at all. INSANITY!

If you know anyone like this, they need to drill

exposure = opportunity = currency

into their minds.




Nothing changes if nothing changes!

What type of exposure do you need to achieve this week to unlock new opportunities for yourself?

Deep down you are the only person who can answer this question for you.



p.s. I am grateful for you. Recently I have received an abundance of responses to these emails, and I want to acknowledged how grateful I am for each and every one of you who spends the time to read them. You are appreciated.
