I am ecstatic to tell you...
Oct 10, 2022 1:38 pm
I am going to be a dad!
A few days ago my wife Erin and I announced that we will be expecting our first child.
Both of us are very excited for this time of our lives and are doing our best to enjoy every moment of the journey. :)
And just like she does in all areas of life, Erin has been inspiring to me with how well she has been adapting to this new stage of her life.
She truly is wonder woman.
What has been interesting is how many people are asking me...
"How are you feeling that you will be a dad?"
First, as a male, it feels weird to be asked how I am feeling lol.
We are not used to so many people asking us this question. (Whether this is a good thing, or bad thing, who knows).
However, when I thought deeply about this, my answer may surprise others...
I feel calm.
For someone like me, someone who is hard wired to "hustle," and constantly be on the move, working on new things, meeting new people, building out the visions I have for my life...
The moment I found out that Erin was pregnant became the moment I had a feeling of intense clarity.
And with this clarity, the calm feeling that I am describing, it soon followed.
It was like my extremely wide vision of the world...
It immediately dialed into a much slimmer point of view.
A point of view where the only thing that matters to me right now is a healthy Erin and a healthy baby.
Nothing else matters.
How I approach life can have an impact on the statement above.
What am I doing to ensure that my health, happiness, and cup are overflowing... so that I can pour into the two people I love most in this world?
What am I giving myself... so that I can consistently give to them?
I think this is counterintuitive approach compared to what most people do.
They tend to let themselves go at the expense of others, especially their loved ones.
I refuse to let that happen.
And I look forward to sharing with you my journey of how I intend to approach life in the upcoming months/years.
Go smile and say hello to a stranger today.
Open a door for someone.
Grant someone an opportunity.
Call a friend that would be overjoyed to talk with you.
Go live your life to the fullest, it is the only one you have.
p.s. I am grateful for the overwhelming amount of friends and family who have reached out. Your love and good energy is being felt.