I am slightly nervous...
Sep 21, 2022 2:02 pm
which is a good thing.
Tomorrow I fly out to host a workshop at Lamar University to 50+ men.
And dang do I have some nervous energy right now.
Not because I am scared that I will "fail" or anything.
But because I always want to do my best to over-provide value.
I only have a couple hours with them and I want to be the absolute best I can be for them
This causes my monkey brain to scatter myself all over the place with ideas and ways to be "valuable."
Take a breath CJ, come back down to earth hahaha.
Forrealllllll does this happen to anyone else?
You get so excited and anxious that you find yourself ALL OVER THE PLACE lol.
Instead of telling you to find ways to stop, like others might do, and others have told me in the past...
I am going to tell you to LEAN INTO IT.
Allow yourself to be all over the place.
EMBRACE what it feels like to be so excited, anxious, nervous... for something.
Go on long walks, go on long drives, go for a run, go ride your bike, go do activities that will allow you to truly reflect and FEEL the moment.
Life is meant to be fucking lived.
And I am so disheartened that so many people are repeating the same day over and over again and then calling that a life.
It's NOT.
Somewhere along the path of school and careers...
So many have forgotten what it is like to do things that cause them to be anxious, nervous, excited, and THRILLED to be alive.
Part of my journey is to wake the masses up to this and help people make decisions that can be scary...
Yet those decisions will lead them to a more fulfilling life, one in which they create an epic story to tell.
So right now I am challenging YOU...
The reader of this.
When is the last time you signed up to be nervous about something?
When is the last time you felt butterflies in your stomach?
When is the last time you felt truly ALIVE?
No matter when that "last time" was..
We don't live in the past.
We live right now.
And right now I need you to make the decision to go chase your butterflies.
p.s. today I am grateful for the chance to chase my own butterflies. :)