My drug of choice...

Feb 25, 2021 9:32 pm

SLEEP and RECOVERY PRACTICES (sun and sweat), are my drugs of choice.

First off, for those that sent me kind messages after yesterday's email, THANK YOU!!!

Your responses mean the world to me and I am feeling extremely grateful to have the opportunity to write to you every day.

Today's message will be simple,

if you are in a funk, feeling down, unmotivated or non-inspired....

get some quality time moving OUTSIDE (in the sun for vitamin D) and then REST & RECOVER...aka focus heavily on getting a lot of quality sleep.

This is exactly what I did yesterday after writing about my funk, and today I feel like a different human being.

The cool part is, the technology I use to help me recover better, it is showing data that reflects exactly what I feel.

Here are my WHOOP results from last night...



Followed by my Oura Ring results...



Last night was the first time I got to sleep at my house for over 10 days since the storm hit Texas. My results clearly show that I like my bed hahaha.

The interesting part to all of this is how I never really optimized my recovery before 2020.

That means I went 29 years just accepting that shitty sleep, shitty digestion (pun intended lol), and shitty recovery was something I was genetically plagued with.

This caused me to be stressed every morning because I felt terrible...but my brain is naturally an optimist so I would fight through it all and put a smile on for everyone around me...even though I wanted to fall off the face of the earth at times.

With these new tools though, I am immediately seeing the difference in how I feel, and who I show up as each morning depending on the quality of recovery I get. If my recovery is high like above, I fire on all cylinders and I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. However, if the opposite happens and my recovery is bad, I spend a ton of energy just to show up that day...and then become even more exhausted.

The reason I am telling you this is because I am certain you are the same. If you are human, you are in the same WAR!!! Yet, how many battles are you winning versus losing?

Leading up to last night I was losing the recovery battle because of uncontrollable circumstances I was in. But now I am back to winning!!!

Yet, are you losing battles because of controllable circumstances? Can you change your routine? Add in some tools to make your life more optimal? Control your recovery so that you feel better and show up as a better you each and every day?

Just some things for you to ponder as we get closer to the end of this week.

Maybe you can do some research of your own this weekend. :)

Or feel free to reach out to me with questions / ideas.

Have a wonderful Thrive Thursday!



p.s. today I am grateful for my wife Erin. She is the perfect partner when it comes to dealing with hardships. I feel with her, I can conquer anything thrown at me, and this is such an amazing feeling to have when you consider spending your life with someone else. I highly recommend you find someone who can deal with hardship head on, but also have fun through it as well. As much as February has been tough, I wouldn't have it any other way. We will THRIVE through anything that comes our way.
