Don't judge a book by its cover.
Feb 07, 2022 2:34 pm
I am in the process of saving my own life.
It is clear to me now.
Today I am going to record a YouTube video / Podcast on the blood panels I have gotten done over the past couple years.
These panels showed me that I wasn't "healthy" like my fitness videos / photos would make one believe.
In actuality, I was far from it.
Why am I telling you any of this?
Because as humans, we tend to judge others based on face value.
We fall into the trap of the grass is always greener mentality in our career/relationships/material items/etc.
I know this because it used to be me.
I would watch other people live lives I wished I could live. Do things I wished I could do. Yet I felt sick a lot of the time and it hindered those things.
Instead of making the changes I knew I needed to make, I place blame on other people, and the universe for making me ill in the first place.
I pointed fingers at things that were out of my control, rather than pointing the finger right back at myself and taking ownership over what I could control.
In 2020 I decided to change ^^^ this mentality.
I started to take complete ownership over everything in my life, especially my health.
Here is a short string of pictures that I posted on my IG stories to show you what I mean....
If you read all that, thank you.
I share it because it is the beginning of another year and I want to inspire and motivate you to take your health into your own hands.
Especially if you think something feels off.
Don't take no for answer from doctors/friends/family ... you know your body best. So if you feel like there is something that needs to be addressed, stop at nothing to figure it out.
I am an example that if you take ownership over yourself/your habits/your health... positive changes CAN and WILL happen over time. :)
So will you join me on the path to continuing to make positive changes?!?
p.s. today I am grateful to live in a day and age where there is enough technology and information for me to be my own doctor and solve my own problems.