Humanize your perspective.

Mar 30, 2022 1:30 pm

Perspective: A noun that does not get enough attention in today's society.

With the emergence of technology, the ability to apply filters to whatever photo/video, chat, or text we send, what is TRUE perspective anymore....?!?!

We feel pressured to portray ourselves as something we're not and are left to wonder why we're lonelier than ever as a society. 


The first quarter of this year has already been enlightening for me, and I hope it has been as such for everyone else out there trying to better themselves and the people around them.

The truth is, life is complicated, people even more so, but why are we trying to filter out who we truly are to impress other people around us?

Why are we peacocking around other people who are peacocking as well?

Why not just be ourselves and inspire others to drop the colors and be themselves as well?

For the most part, I am the type of person that you see is what you get.

Meaning, no matter rain or shine, hot or cold, day or night, I am who I am, take it or leave it. Obviously I do my best to work on my bad habits, my negative impulses/reactions, and the things I am not proud of.

Yet, I strive to be the same person to the random person on the street as I am to the investor I meet at a dinner part.



In a world where realism and a good perspective seems distant, it's nice to know there's people you can count on to help you see it. Fortunately for me, I am surrounded by a solid community of people who live by the same perspective.

We see each other as HUMAN.

Not as a job title, a career path, a bank account...

We see each other as we see ourselves.

Flawed, but doing our best.

Happy for the most part, but sad on some days.

Kind, but have our moments we aren't proud of.

Gritty, but have our days where we just need a break.


This is the HUMAN perspective.

Today, and for the rest of our days, let's strive to be more real with ourselves and those around us.

I don't care what you look like, what you love to do, what your dreams are, you have a spot on this earth for a reason, and it wasn't meant to be or act like anyone other than YOURSELF. With this, also remember you must leave a spot for others around you to do the same!

Crush your Wednesday!



p.s. today I am grateful that the human mind has the capability to change perspectives based on the experiences we have in life. How boring would life be if we were forced to be stuck in the same beliefs and perspectives all the time?
