Intention is nothing without action...

Dec 17, 2021 7:50 pm

but action is nothing without intention.


Do this for me today, answer these 3 questions honestly.

  1. What book are you willing to actually FINISH?
  2. What pain are you willing to go through to grow in an area of life you wish to grow in?
  3. What changes must you make in certain areas of your life to bring you more peace? With more peace will bring more space for happiness.

Sure you start things, but how many do you finish?

Sure you are willing to take short periods of pain, but how long can you truly endure?

Sure you make the small changes that are forced upon you by life, yet what about the drastic changes you need to make to earn the life you complain about not having?

Reflecting on all of this will help you take more intentional actions. And these actions will culminate to a more intentional life.

A more intentional life for you, leads to a world of abundance for all of us.



p.s. today I am grateful for the challenges life brings. It is never boring!
