What does your petri dish look like?!?

Apr 01, 2021 6:47 pm

Mindset is everything. You have probably heard this before.

Now that you have completed the mission I asked of you yesterday, what did you notice?!?

If you are like me, you would have noticed that "holy shit I stress myself out way more than I need to."

I used to wake up stressed, drive to work stressed, be stressed while eating lunch, stressed on my drive home....and stressed going to sleep thinking about the next day. In my mind I was in a constant rush, and I always lived in the future, rather than slowing down and being more present.

Because I was not present, I did not even realize all the little triggers that were consuming me throughout the day.

These stressors then manifested into the stomach troubles and autoimmune conditions I have suffered from my entire life.

Why am I telling you all of this?

  1. I do not want the same for you.
  2. Maybe you have suffered from the same things and my perspective can help you find the positive change that I have found for myself.

For the last 2 years I have made tremendous strides in my health, and a lot of it has to do with thinking of my body as one single cell. Essentially I put myself in a petri dish and asked myself what would I do for this cell to optimize its life?

What would I feed that cell for it to be optimal? How would I treat that cell? Would I put that cell in positive environments with positive people? Or with negative environments and soul suckers? Would I put tons of alcohol in it? Or boost it up with vitamins? Would I treat that cell like shit? Little sleep, no rest, poor nutrients for it...etc?!?!? Or would I take ownership over that cell and live a life that improves the chances of that cell THRIVING?!?!?

The thing is...if you think of yourself as one cell, and start doing the things to HEAL that one cell....all the other cells and organs follow.

Because I stopped drinking alcohol, I immediately got better sleep. Because I got better sleep, I was less anxious in the morning and could think clearly. Because I could think clearly, I realized how important morning meditation and sun were to my mindset. Because I meditated, and got some sun in the morning, I had a great start to my day. Because I had a great start to my day, I ultimately had a great day. Because I started to have great days, I had great weeks. Because I had great weeks, I had great months...great years...and I am striving for a great LIFE.

I want to be clear, alcohol is not my scapegoat here. I was just using that as an example. I have made piss poor decisions across the board that previous set myself up for stress and anxiety, rather than reduction of them. Alcohol was just gasoline to some of those poor decisions.

What does this have to do with the mitochondria I was talking about yesterday?

Well if mitochondria is like the engine to the cell, my next level up is figuring out how do I improve the environment in my body so that my mitochondria are THRIVING...thus my cells will be thriving...thus CJ will THRIVE ON LIFE.

Stay tuned for more of all this. Today's goal was just to get you thinking about yourself as a single cell. What harm are you doing to the petri dish? What good things are you doing for it?

Here is an age old saying ... "in with the good, out with the bad..." or the one I like better ... "inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit."

Go optimize your petri dish! I want to see you THRIVING!



p.s. today I am grateful for all the people in my life right now. The projects I am working on, and the people I get to interact with every day, they fill my petri dish with joy, and I am forever grateful for that.
