Would you change your life?
Mar 05, 2021 8:58 pm
My friend Noah Huisman dropped a golden nugget on the latest episode of the ThriveOnLife Podcast. Go check him out on Episode 87 HERE.
Or find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or google. :)
Today's email is short and sweet going into your weekend.
"You should live life in a way...such that if you had to repeat it, you'd be okay."
So ask yourself right now, if you had to repeat your life over and over again, stuck on a loop, would you be okay with that?!?!
If not, GO CHANGE IT!!!
Have an amazing weekend!!!
p.s. I am grateful a few of my friends are in town and I am about to go lift/sauna/ice bath with them while we chat all the good things about life/business and how we can help each other get better.