Consistency always wins.
Mar 08, 2021 7:41 pm
You know what is crazy? It has already been a year since all our lives changed forever. Time really does fly.
Last March began the period of time where nobody knows what the future has in store. We can no longer predict even a month out of what the new policies, procedures, travel restrictions...etc will be.
What can we control then?
How we approach each and every day!!!
Last March, I told myself that in the next year of my life, I would see the most growth I have ever had.
And while many people did exactly the opposite and let themselves go, I used the time as fuel to my own fire.
One example of what I did was bought running shoes and told myself I was going to get into better cardio vascular shape at 30, than I had when I was a collegiate athlete at age 20.
Two days ago I proved to myself I did exactly that with this 4-mile run.
A year prior to this run, I struggled to run one mile without feeling like I was going to pass out. Meanwhile, now I am cruising on 4-milers while only breathing through my nose. (I am currently training myself to improve my lung capacity).
None of this email is intended to showcase "my achievements." Rather, I want to bring to the forefront how important YOUR process and YOUR consistency is to the outcomes of you life.
What processes did you improve from 2020-2021?
What processes did you let fall off from 2020-2021?
Consistency works in both directions!!! You can consistently let yourself get away with the things you know you shouldn't, or you can consistently show up and strive to be the best YOU possible. It is your choice.
If you watch my content, many people may think I just wake up and "get after it," as if motivation oozes from my being and I never struggle.
But I will tell you I have a legitimate process that allows me to consistently show up every day and give my all while I still have the heartbeats to do so.
I always have, unless it was for sports.
"But CJ how can you hate running and keep doing it?"
Because I have attached it to a bigger mission.
With each run I take, I think about how it is making me a better husband, a better family member/friend, a better leader, a better community member, and ultimately a BETTER ME in all scenarios.
It never makes the run easier though.
It never stops the voice in my head that says "Hey man, you can take today off, you earned it, lets just chill out, smoke some weed, and see where the day goes..."
The voice is still there.
And it always will be.
I/YOU/WE cannot control that first thought, yet we can 100% control the next thought.
So when the voice comes up in my head, I realize I ultimately have the ability to control how I respond to that voice.
Do I let it control me?
Or do I take the driver's seat?
Idk about you, but I have always liked being in the driver's seat of my own life, rather than being controlled by other things / people around me.
And my goal right now is to help you get back in the driver's seat of your own life!
So lets set a new goal with each other.
Last year it was running for me.
This year what does it look like?
Documenting and gathering a ton of data on my health/business routine so that I can share my research, continuing to run at least twice a week, cycling 1-2 times a week, and putting out a podcast and a YouTube video each week.
What do yours look like?
Feel free to respond to this so we can hold each other accountable!
Lets crush this week!
p.s. today I am grateful I get to go to my Dentist appt. I never fail to realize how fortunate I am to be able to do the little things in life other people may not have the luxury to. Having the ability to be proud of my smile is huge. Don't forget to take care of your own pearly whites, and they will take great care of you right back!