The key equation to life...
Jun 14, 2021 5:17 pm
Exposure = Opportunity = Currency.
It's Monday, and while I would love to write a motivational piece to get you off your ass, and running towards your goals and dreams...I am a realist.
Motivation doesn't really do shit, but make you feel good.
Practical knowledge and discipline will get you far though.
So that is where I will put my attention and effort into this morning.
Exposure: expose yourself to new experiences, new environments, new people to acquire new lessons, new skills, new life tools for your life tool belt. The more you can expose yourself to being uncomfortable, and growing in those areas, the more that the universe will bring you opportunities.
Opportunity: here is a textbook definition "a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something."
The problem is, most people don't control their circumstances. They let life be controlled by what others think, their job, etc. The more that you can expose yourself to growth like I mentioned above, the better chance your circumstances will change for the positive, aka more opportunity will be thrust in your direction.
Currency: I don't just mean money! Currency could be time, energy, food, connections...whatever you designate it as. You, me, we...are all after some form of currency in life. The key to them all lies in our efforts to expose ourselves to NEW, earn new opportunities, and convert them into the currency we are building towards.
Here is a practical example to tie it all together:
Lets say that I was dropped in a new city with one other person, with the goal to see which one of us would be well connected, and THRIVING in that city within a few months.
The kicker is, that this other person, has never left their hometown before.
Who do you think is going to "THRIVE" in this scenario?!?
If you are going to place a bet, bet on me. Not because I think I am the shit, but because I have already exposed myself to this circumstance multiple times. Over a 5 year span, I moved to 3 cities (Nashville, Houston, Austin) where I basically didn't know anyone. Each time I moved, I got better and better at building my network and my life up.
Moral of the story, when you expose yourself to different, sometimes uncomfortable scenarios/situations in life, you will be granted opportunities to learn from them and ultimately earn the currency that you are after.
Now the practical question shows itself to us...
What are you doing today? Tomorrow? This week? To put yourself in scenarios/situations that will grant you a chance to learn from it and earn opportunities that you cannot see yet?
For me, today, I could have slept in. I am visiting my parents/brother in NC, and we had nothing scheduled this morning. Yet, then I wouldn't have written this, I wouldn't have gone on the run I am about to do, and I wouldn't have set myself up to have a successful day that could lead to new opportunities and currency.
Every moment in life adds up, are you in control of the moments and circumstances? Or are you letting them be dictated?
Go crush your Monday!
p.s. today I am grateful to see my family! I am also grateful that a healthy baby was born into my wife's side of the family today. Life is magical!