Practice what you preach.

Dec 28, 2020 7:30 pm

When I coach and consult for others, one of the most important things I look for revolves around the question, is that person practicing what they are preaching?

If they do, they are wayyy more likely to be successful at whatever their endeavor is. And their success, is my success & vice versa.

Quick question,

"How often do you find yourself holding an expectation of someone else, yet you don't even hold the same expectation for your own self?"

It is like the business school teacher who never started a business.

Or the doctor that doesn't take care of themselves.

Nobody trusts those people...those people probably doesn't even trust themselves.

That is why I am a firm believer, that one of the best ways to build confidence in yourself, is to follow through on the things you say you are going to do.

Just do the things you say you will do and life gets better. And not just the things you tell others you will do. All the little battles you have in your mind that keep you trapped there....instead, start taking action on them.

For me, that looked like skipping a few emails the last week. Sorry, not sorry.

I told myself that I would take some time off to rest and recover as we approach the New Year. Also, my wife Erin had 9 days off and I told myself that time with her was my #1 priority.

So I did.

More time with her. More time with just myself. More time in the sun, hiking and biking, and all the other things I love to do.

Now it is my turn to encourage you to hold yourself accountable and practice what you preach.

With New Year's at the end of this week, I want you to think about something that you have not held yourself accountable to. Maybe it was booking a doctor's appointment, calling someone you needed to call, or taking some time off like me. Whatever it is, don't let yourself get away with not following through.

Instead, DO THE THING and build your confidence up going into this next year. I promise it will have a positive impact!!!

Have an amazing start to your week!



p.s. today I am grateful to be back writing. I missed this!!! But I am very proud of myself for sticking to my goal of some R & R.
