Shoot your shot!
Dec 13, 2020 9:39 pm
When you need something, ask for it.
Because if you don't ask, you will never know. And I am not sure about you, but I'd rather know than sit around wondering what if?!?
I need your help.
YouTube doesn't allow you to create a custom URL ( is what I hope to make mine) until you get 100 subscribers to your channel.
Currently, I am 15 subscribers away from hitting the 100 mark.
So if you have 1 minute to spare, please help me on my journey to help more people and SUBSCRIBE HERE.
Why am I working towards creating a legitimate YouTube channel?
Because when I reflected on the question "how can I positively impact more people in 2021 and beyond..." I realized that there was one major platform I have been neglecting.
I utilize YouTube almost every day to educate myself on a diverse range of topics. It literally is my go to channel for any type of content that I learn from, and take action on.
So why the heck have I not been consistently using it as a tool to help educate, motivate, and inspire others to take action?
Because I have been aligning all the other pieces first, so that when I started the YouTube, I could put energy into it without it draining too much from me.
One thing I have learned from entrepreneurship is that you can have anything you want, but you cannot have everything. Meaning, whatever you put your attention to, you can have. But if you try to have everything all at once, burnout looms, and things can crumble very quickly.
In 2020 I focused on systemizing the THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast, creating a personal website, as well as updating the THRIVE site (still currently making changes), and I started my daily email newsletters.
And now it is time to shoot my shot at YouTube...and I encourage you all to shoot your shot somewhere in your life as well. Maybe it is starting a new project you have been thinking about, or asking that person out on a date, or getting in the physical/mental shape you've always dreamed of...
whatever it is...SHOOT!!!
Because it is better to shoot and miss, than to have never taken the shot in the first place.
I hope you have a wonderful end to your weekend!
p.s. today I am grateful for the 25 people who subscribed yesterday. I started yesterday with 60 and woke up to 85 today. It may seem like a small number, but to me, it makes all the difference in helping me achieve one of my goals. Other people helping me hit my goals deserves a ton of appreciation. I will take those good vibes and go into today with an extra pep in my step.