Breathing can save you.
Feb 04, 2022 2:45 pm
This week I took a deep breath with Michelle Florez on Episode 135 of the THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast.
We literally kick the episode off with a few minutes of her guided breath work.
Interested in going through the experience yourself?
Listen in on E135 Here
I wanted to have Michelle on the show because learning how to utilize my breath as a tool for sports performance, anxiety / stress reduction, and overall betterment of quality of life... has been a tool I have been doing for a couple years now.
One of the books that got me so intrigued with this tool is "Breath: The New Science of Lost Art." by James Nester.
After reading it I started realizing how much self-induced anxiety I had.
You know how there is fight or flight mode? Yeah I was the guy in flight mode ALL THE TIME. And it showed up in my every day habits.
It also showed up as chronic illness.
Here is a practical example...
My digestion has always been an issue, if you know me, you have hear this a thousand times.
But what is the first step to digesting food?
Slowing down your breath and salivating before you even put the food in your mouth.
Second step?
Chew with your mouth closed, take full breaths through your nose, and make sure you your food is broken down before you swallow and allow it into your stomach.
I was not doing any of this for basically my entire life lol.
Always eating on the go.
Barely chewing my food.
Literally never focusing on my breathing during food.
It was alway a rush, rather than an art.
Today I have taken a 180 and slowed down.
The result?
Better digestion, which then leads to better sleep, which then leads to happier/healthier me, which then leads to a life well lived.
All because I slowed the fuck down and took a deep breath every now and then hahah.
I want the same for you.
If breath has not been something you have focused on yet in your life, change that now.
Listen to the podcast
Read the book.
Do some research.
You can improve your life with this simple and FREE tool that the universe has magically provided for your existence.
p.s. I am grateful for the impact breathing has had on my life in the recent years I have been utilizing it as a tool for a higher quality life.