Today is my 30th birthday, here are my thoughts...

Jan 11, 2021 10:03 pm

WOWWWW. Where has time gone?

First off, I am completely sober and not hungover. This is a huge win for me!

I didn't smoke weed.

I didn't down a shot.

I didn't chug a drink.

This is new for me when it comes to celebrating birthdays.

And excuse my language, but I am damn fucking proud of how far I have come since entering my 20's.

I wanted to start off a new decade with a new appreciation for life, rather than trying to escape it through different vices.

I want to encourage you to potential consider the same thing on your next birthday!

The rest of this message, I will keep short and sweet.

On all my social platforms I have been leaving two messages.

  1. A quote that I made up and wrote in my journal this morning..."Death is an inch away for all of us, yet truly living, that is miles away for most." Meaning, all of us can die at any moment, yet how many of us truly go after what we want in life while we still have the chance? This is your food for thought for the day. Go chase the things you dream about while you are still alive!!!
  2. MAKE EVERY HEARTBEAT COUNT! I got a hand tattoo a month ago to remind myself to do this. It will force me to be more kind to myself, thus allow me to be more kind to everyone else I interact with. I'd love for you to listen to WHY I believe in this so much in a video I posted this morning on my IGTV HERE.


Lastly, I am not a receiving "gifts" kind of guy. Rather, a gift of GIVING type of person. And right now, YOU can help me GIVE more to this world in 2 FREE ways...

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE.
  2. Rate and review (Every 5 stars helps!) the THRIVE ON LIFE Podcast (if you have an Iphone / Apple Podcasts) click HERE and then click "Listen on Apple Podcasts."

My content is educational and motivational, so every subscribe and rating I get, will help boost that content so it can have the chance to help more people. You can be a part in helping others just by taking a quick minute.


Cheers to the next 30 years!!!

Have a wonderful Monday!



p.s. today I am grateful for YOU, my wife, family, friends, everyone who is putting one foot in front of the other and working to get better with every heartbeat.
