Feb 02, 2021 10:08 pm
Today is a PSA.
Stop rushing around as if your life depends on it.
Because it doesn't.
Once you rush to the next thing you have on your agenda, you'll go on and rush to infinite things after that. That is if you are lucky enough to keep seeing more days to rush through.
The reality is, whatever you are rushing to, IT DOES NOT MATTER.
The world will still go on whether you get there or not.
So why stress yourself out?!?
I feel qualified to talk about this because I used to be the biggest offender of this.
I have struggled my whole life to be happy and content with the present moment, yet not fall into the laziness trap.
I feel it is a problem a lot of people suffer from, potential you know it well too.
What changed my perspective?
Reading and researching about the human ego and how we believe we are more important than we actually are.
The fact is, no matter how rich or famous you become, you will be forgotten.
So what is the point in rushing around trying to be remembered as a certain person?
There is no point.
The world would be a happier place if all of us as individuals were HAPPIER.
And the key to finding joy, happiness, and being okay with TODAY.
Being present in this moment right now.
As you read this are you fully soaking it in? Or is your mind already wandering to the next thing you "have" to get done.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself and slow down.
Have an amazing Tuesday!
p.s. today I am grateful I was able to run on the track this morning with my friend Noah. Epic sunrise, epic workout, epic conversation. LFG!