Be more YOU
Jan 23, 2021 8:43 pm
I listened to a Tim Ferriss Podcast yesterday where he interviewed two swimming legends Michael Phelps and Grant Hackett.
It was a great conversation that went over everything from their training, to their struggles with mental health and depression.
What stuck with me the most though, was one simple statement that Grant made...
When asked about how to live life, he simply responded, "Do things that make you feel more like YOU."
So if that is training for decades straight, and winning Olympic medals, if that feels like you, do it. Or if waking up and wanting to be the best engineer, photographer, real estate agent, skateboarder, artist, or just a great friend/family member/father/mother...whatever it what makes you FEEL LIKE YOU.
They got on this topic because a lot of people would question how hard both Michael and Grant trained. People would throw shade at them for being so competitive within their lives.
And this hit home with me because I have received the same criticism at times of my life. Obviously I am no olympic athlete LOL. But I am eager to be alive and to run, jump, train, do all the things while still pursuing multiple different avenues within my career path. I am uber competitive with myself and my life. Throughout my life this would come off to others as "why does he care so much?"
"Why can't you just chill CJ? Just relax CJ."
But I don't want to. That may be you....that is not me.
The thing is, I could not care any less about what YOU or others do. I am too busy finding ways to FEEL MORE ME. And here I am encouraging you to do the same.
Block out the noise and do the things that light you up. Don't ever let anyone steal that light from you!
I highly recommend listening to their convo if you are looking for an extra spark in this arena.
Have a wonderful weekend!
p.s. today I am grateful for podcasts. Not only do I feel extremely alive while recording my own, I love getting lost in other people's conversations and learning to change my perspective based on the lens that other people may see life through.