You can lead a horse to water...

Nov 17, 2022 4:32 pm

but you can't teach it how to drink.




I am frustrated.

Frustrated with a world that seems to have a lot of horses being led to water, yet refusing to drink.

Clear > clever

This horse talk is definitely not clear lol.


What I am meaning to say, is the "answers" for living a quality life, they are all around us.

Yet, the quality life will not happen...

Unless we all take personal ownership over the actions we must take (aka drinking the water).


Because if you want to make more money, there are plenty of ways to do so.

Because if you want to achieve better health, there are plenty of ways to do so.

Because if you want to learn new skills, have new experiences, meet new people... there are plenty of ways to do so.

Like I mentioned, the answers are all around us.

So why does it seem to me that so many people are stuck in a loop?

Why are many not living the "quality" of life they wish to live?

To my understanding, one cause could be that it is painful to look in the mirror and point at yourself as the reason you are not living the life you wish to live.

It is much easier to point the finger at someone, or something else for your own shortcomings.


I guess a lot of people just aren't thirsty enough to take a sip of the water.


Maybe you have a better answer lol.

Regardless, the mission to help lead as many people to a "THRIVING" (quality) life remains a constant for me.

And idk about you, but for me a quality life is rooted in having a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

So here is your task today...

Write down responses to these questions, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!

  1. What habit do you have that is having a negative impact on your mental health?
  2. What habit do you have that is having a negative impact on your physical wellbeing?
  3. What habit do you have that is causing your spirit to feel misaligned?


Replace the bad habit with an ACHIEVABLE new one.


Maybe you eat too much sugar for dessert.

Instead of saying "no more desserts..."

Find yourself a more nutritious version of the dessert you like.

Now think like this for all the other areas of your life.

How can you make small areas and habits more nutritious?!?

When you start heading down this path, the only place to go is one that is of greater quality. :)


