Build a bigger engine.
Nov 22, 2021 6:50 pm
You know the redline in your car?
Like the one where if you leave your car in neutral or park and you can rev the engine all the way up?
Your body operates in a similar matter with how your heart responds to stress in life.
Both good stress (exercise), and bad stress, have an impact on your throttle.
Sadly, most people aren't implementing enough good stress to ensure that their engine has enough power to get them through difficult times.
A quick google search will show you that the amount of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease validates the point I just made.
We have a country of people who have shitty 4 cylinder engines, rather than people striving for more horsepower, and an better overall, more reliable/resilient engine.
And to be honest, I am fucking tired of it.
I have been for a long time.
I am tired of truly healthy people being silenced and dismissed on what initiatives we should be taking as a society to improve our situation.
While the media blasts nonsense that the society follows like they are herded cattle.
As I have in the past, I don't just sit here and shit talk though.
I have a plan, and have taken action to do my part to reverse the disturbing trend I have witnessed during my lifetime.
And I am fortunate that I have an army of friends who are doing the same exact thing.
Why did I choose this topic today?
Because you are probably going to be spending time with family this week.
And when you do, I want you to be the change we need to see.
Ask your family to go on a walk.
Ask them to go exercise with you.
Ask them about how they have been feeling/doing mentally, physically, spiritually.
And if they say no, you go improve yourself anyway, and then ask them again the next day.
A healthier world starts with healthier individuals who inspire, motivate and lend a hand of accountability for others to join them on their march towards building better engines for everyone.
So to start my week of I am thankful for my body and mind. Being human is a miracle that most under-appreciate. I have promised myself during my lifetime that I will do my best to take care of my body/mind and help others do the same with theirs. Together we can change the world for the better!
p.s. today I am grateful for everyone out there who is taking steps towards becoming a better version of themselves. You may feel alone at times, but please know that you are not. Myself, and so many others, we are on your team.