Thank you for your support in 2021!

Dec 31, 2021 12:59 pm



Whether you have read one of these emails, or 300+ of them, I appreciate you more than you'll ever know.




Today marks the end to another year.

And if you choose, it can also mark the beginning of the rest of your life.

The thing is, I don't live for years.

I don't live for months.

I don't live for weeks.

I live for TODAY.

Because today is all you and I truly have.

Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed to you.

All you and I have, is right now.

And if these last two years have taught you anything, it is that you damn sure don't know what the future has in store.

What this means... is that you need to do your absolute best to take advantage of TODAY.

Spend your days on the things that LIGHT YOU UP like a kid.

Spend your nights in the places you love and with the people you love.

If you do ^^^ these simple things...

your weeks, months, years, LIFE...

they become something so damn special.

And if nobody has told you lately, you deserve to have a culmination of special years that make up your epic life.

Also if nobody has told you lately, YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN THIS!!!

Stop making excuses.

Stop holding back.

Stop limiting yourself to the same old story you have been telling.

Start a NEW one and attack this new year like it could be your last.

Because it damn well could be.

Cheers to you 2021. You were indeed a hell of a story to tell.

Now it's time to create a new story in 2022!

See y'all there!



p.s. today I am grateful for all the lessons I have learned about myself this year. I am very much looking forward to diving further into self-awareness practices and learning even more this coming year.
