The first step to stop letting people down...
Feb 16, 2022 2:23 pm
Is to stop caring what other people think in the first place!
The thing about life is, no matter what choices you make, you will be letting someone "down."
This carries a heavy weight and burden for so many people.
Including myself.
So much so, that many choose to make choices that aren't in their best interest, or even worse, they are stagnant and refuse to make choices at all because then they can't feel guilty for them.
Have you ever done this ^^^.
I certainly have.
What helps this though?
That's right, LESS = MORE!
Who do you truly care about?
First and foremost should be YOURSELF.
Then who?
Well that is for you to decide.
Here is the thing though, you have to keep it minimal, or else you will continue to fall into the same trap over and over again.
The more people you try to please, the less pleased you will be with yourself.
As for me... my wife and I take precedence on any decision I make.
And to be honest, besides that, I don't sweat most decisions.
If someone doesn't like them, not my problem. I have a life that I want to live to its fullest.
And this message is being written in hopes to give you some mojo to start blocking out the people that don't matter to your "fullest life."
Drop the weight and you will immediately get lighter. :)
Who are those people?
What are the decisions you must make for yourself?
Start making them.
p.s. Dropping the weight was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am grateful I have been able to feel lighter and shine brighter because I can be the best me possible without the exhausting need to please.