Are YOU on the path to being W(h)EALTHY?!?
Nov 05, 2020 8:52 pm
Food = Health = Wealth
The real "wealth" of a person, is their health.
I have mentioned it before, but now I am blatantly stating it.
And the road to better food, better health, and more wealth for founded and rooted in improving our lacking educational system.
You probably know this. You probably have thought about it. But what have you personally DONE about it?
The first step is to focus on yourself. Heal yourself mentally, physically, and spiritual with the food you are eating. Don't believe life works that way? Just do the research and you will see for yourself.
I am not here to debate that point though.
Rather, to show you two steps I am doing to help this pathway for others. And I'd love for you to either get involved, or be encouraged to walk your own path of learning, doing, and educating others. Because when we strive together, WE THRIVE TOGETHER!
- Weekly Lunch & Learns - view our recap videos HERE.
- The ThriveOnLife Podcast my long form podcast that discusses life & business with our guests, & The Honest Education Podcast a short form podcast that teaches the REAL TOPICS people need to understand, rather than the useless jargon they sadly force us to sit through in school.
Aka how to build communities, start businesses, proper nutrition, proper exercise, meditation, pay taxes with leverage, invest in real estate, invest in stocks...and so much more that I have personally experienced, but feel is my life's duty to pass on to others.
I don't just say this shit though. I f*cking mean it. And I am doing something about it.
Below are pictures to show an example of yesterday's lunch & learn with Ellie Rome who dropped some major knowledge on how what we eat can negatively/positively impact our lives. She also gave us all pointers on how to navigate eating during the holidays...a time where all of us over indulge in certain areas. :)
I chose the photos below because they were my biggest takeaways.
- We all should focus on fixing our gut as a main priority. The best way to do this is to do elimination based diets and treat ourselves like our own scientific study. Since we are all different, we must try different foods FOR OURSELVES and not trust a magic pill, regimen, or diet that a doctor or someone else is preaching.
- Understanding how sugar and excess carbs can impact our lives more than we know. There are different types of sugars, different carb sources, and all of them stimulate our bodies in various ways. It is up to us to personally understand these variations and then adapt accordingly.
- FATS ARE NOT BAD!!! FATS WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT!!! Yet, there are a lot of processed and "unhealthy" fats/oils being put into our food, which cause all of "fats" to get a bad rap. We all should do our own research into natural/organic sources of fat and how they help regulate our hormones, and do so much more for our bodies.
Personally, I already knew a lot of what Ellie was teaching on, which was great because it gave me the ability to dig in and ask even more questions. That is the beauty of continuous learning. The more you know, the more you realize YOU DON'T KNOW.
And for anyone who is wondering, I eat a high fat / high protein / low - moderate carb diet. I do not "cut out" sugar, rather I make sure all my sugar intake comes from as many all-natural sources as possible.
This is what works for me, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you start doing some research and learn what works for you.
Stay tuned for her talk coming to our YouTube channel in the next few days. I'd love for you to check it out and support her.
Okay, it is time for me to go practice more of what I preach and get my morning run/workout in, followed by a solid meal. This will give me the energy and clarity I need to make today the best day possible.
Feel free to send me the meals you eat, exercises you complete, or any questions/answers you have around all of these topics. LET'S GROW TOGETHER!!!
ps: today I am grateful for making it safely to Myrtle Beach and having this view of the moon/waves last night. Also, for being able to write this email with the sun and view this morning. Today is my brother's wedding rehearsal. I am beyond grateful I get to take part. Have a wonderful day everyone!