I am losing it a bit.
Feb 24, 2021 8:18 pm
It is rare that I fall of the tracks of my life. Rare that I feel unmotivated, non-inspired, and indifferent to everything.
But it is happening right now, and because I am choosing to write about it, I hope it snaps me out of it.
Erin and I are currently going on 10+ days having transformed my office into my bedroom / home.
Yesterday the water restoration company came out and told us that our walls are pretty much fucked.
The plumber comes today, so we will see what he says.
You'd think the above would be the most stressful part for me.
The reality is though, I have detached from material items. Cars, houses, things... they can all be replaced.
That is not what has me down.
Humanity, and how we are going about living, that is what has me in a funk.
I am literally staring out my window right now at all the cars rushing by.
I ask myself, where are they rushing to? Why are they in a rush in the first place? Why have we been so naive to build a world that cares more about rushing towards our own individual achievements than building an amazing place to live for EVERYONE.
From our education system, to our healthcare system, to our government...money talks and bullshit walks...and I hate it.
And from the looks of it, it will only continue to get worse before it gets better.
I rack my brain every day and struggle to fall asleep because these are the things I think about. These are some of the problems in the world I hope to continue working towards changing. I don't know exactly how. I don't know exactly when I will have the opportunities. But I can tell you I won't stop.
And this message is my hope you join forces with me and do your part (no matter how big or small) to make the human existence better for not only yourself, but for others around you.
If you made it to the end of this rant I appreciate you.
I will be super honest and tell you that it is extremely difficult to get up/out of my makeshift bed lately and to have the motivation to write.
But if we solely depend on motivation, our dreams will never become reality. And my dreams are big enough to coerce me into continuing the journey no matter what.
I hope you have an amazing Wednesday!
p.s. no matter where you are at in the world right now, look up at the sky. Right now there is a rover on Mars driving around. How cool is that? WE ARE A PART OF SOMETHING SO MUCH BIGGER. So if you find yourself in a funk like me, just remind yourself that the small stuff that happens to us doesn't really matter. And the kicker is, mostly everything is "small stuff."