ADMIT IT! You just don't want it bad enough.
Mar 18, 2021 7:42 pm
There is something I have been pondering lately.
The person I am today, what is the biggest difference between the person I was years ago?
While on the outside, it may seem like I have been "doing" a lot more, and heading down a new road that I have been paving for myself.
Upon this reflection though, the biggest difference is not what I "am doing," rather what I am no longer doing.
Hear me out, I wholeheartedly believe you can relate.
Today's CJ wants to leave his mark, make an impact, and help the world so badly.... that he will say NO to things 9/10 times, even the things that bring him joy.
In short, today's CJ wants it bad enough.
His will is there, and his work ethic is finally matching the size of his dreams.
You see, I have always been a dreamer.
I have also always worked hard. (My parents were born and raised in Northeast Philly and instilled in my brother and I a relentless work ethic. We all have that Philly grit bred into us).
Yet, I used to always self-sabotage my dreams by saying YES to things that ultimately hurt them.
Saying yes to every party.
Saying yes to every free drink. "C'mon CJ it's FREE just have one" the voice in my head would say.
Saying yes to every business meeting because "I just wanted to help."
Today, ^^^ this is not the case.
I have turned down more events/gatherings recently than I think I have in my entire lifetime. My dreams mean too much to me.
I have had only 2 alcoholic drinks so far this year. Old me would finish 2-4 BOTTLES of something a month. Not now. My dreams mean too much to me.
I have not responded to meeting emails, deleted texts without reading them, and left Dm's and Pm's unread for months at a time. My dreams mean too much to me.
Nobody will put in the work for my dreams like I will put in the work for my dreams. I finally had to swallow that hard pill and realize that everything else was a distraction to what I WANTED FROM LIFE.
And my gut is telling me you are probably struggling with something similar.
Because if you are reading this message, YOU ARE A DREAMER TOO!
But are you willing to look in the mirror and tell yourself that the person who makes those dreams come alive, or the person that destroys the chance of them ever coming to fruition....both of those people are you!!!
I am here to tell you that finally accepting ^^^ the above, has made my life 10x more fulfilling. And I truly think it will do the same for you.
I want you to know that you are not alone on the journey though!
You, me, we....we are in this TOGETHER! Rising tides lift all ships!
So lets sail into the sunset of our dreams and start "not doing" the things that will hinder that journey.
Go crush your THRIVE THURSDAY!
p.s. today I am grateful for the responses I have been receiving to these emails. Your responses not only fill my cup, they give me the energy to pour into others. In essence, every time you read and respond to are helping dreams come alive. Thank YOU for that. I am forever grateful!