How to get anything you want from life...
Jun 03, 2021 5:03 pm
***This email failed to send yesterday. I didn't know that until I logged in this morning. I guess the universe wanted my Wednesday email going out on a Thursday. :)
Practice DISCIPLINE over desire.
Want to be valedictorian? It will take 4+ years of showing up every day. Doing the small things, the stuff that nobody sees, doing the extra, (studying, getting tutored, doing extra credit assignments). All of this takes massive discipline.
Most don't want to be valedictorian though. Heck, I am competitive as hell, and I didn't even care for that.
"So why did you use valedictorian as an example then CJ" you may asked...
because what does it look like to be the valedictorian of YOUR OWN LIFE?
Sadly, I see too many people working towards being valedictorian (#1) on somebody else's scale. They try to live somebody else's life. And then they wonder why it is so hard, why they get burnt out, why they feel anxious and stressed.... they aren't living their truth.
When you live your own truth...discipline gets easier. And when the act of being disciplined gets will be more discipline more consistently.
This consistent discipline will literally unlock the next level of your life.
Yet it all starts with knowing/finding your truth, and then fully stepping into it with all the energy you have.
Not sure what your truth is?!?
Come back tomorrow where I will be writing some tips on how to find what is for you, and what is not. This will lead you to more of your own truth. :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
p.s. it has been rainy/cloudy a lot in Austin lately, idk why. But this morning it is bright and sunny as I write this, and I am super grateful I get to feel the heat of the sun on my skin at this moment. There truly is nothing in this world like waking up to see the sunrise, and feeling the warmth from something so