Stop stressing so much, you are killing yourself!
Mar 31, 2021 6:16 pm
This will be a two part email. This part being shorter, before I go more in depth tomorrow.
We are all quick to point fingers at when other family, friend's...people are doing something "wrong" whether in real life, on TV, or on Social Media.
If I told you that this response was killing you slowly, would you stop doing it?!??
Probably not. You are not disciplined enough. None of us are lol.
But we can become more conscious of our reactions, and instead, RESPOND to stressors in a more appropriate manner that will lead to a more peaceful life and reduce the chances of chronic stress happening. Chronic stress leads to illness, illness leads to chronic disease, and chronic disease gets us 6 feet under the ground.
I am currently reading a book about mitochondria and how they are essentially the engine to our livelihoods. If these little engines start failing, our body starts breaking down, and ultimately we wither away. More on this tomorrow.
My goal is to give my body the chance to THRIVE for as long as possible. And by using myself as my own case study, and doing my own research and experiments, I hope to help you as well by sharing my findings.
But today I am asking you to enter the arena with me and do one little test on yourself.
As you go about your day, take notice of yourself as you are in the car, doing your work, on your laptop, scrolling social media, watching TV, interacting with friends...etc.
I want you to keep tally around the number of times your stress response gets triggered.
Maybe that car in front of you is going too slow, maybe your boss just handed you something to do that is NOT what you had planned for today, maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night and you are annoyed with yourself for staying up too late again...
take mental notes of all these occurrences!
By the end of the day you should have a rough estimate of how many times throughout the day you were "triggered."
We will discuss more tomorrow. GOOD LUCK!
p.s. today I am grateful that I am starting to see an improved sleep recovery process. The WHOOP and Oura ring have helped me change my habits an I am starting to see a large jump in positive habits because of them. I AM STOKED!