Fight fire with fire.

Feb 25, 2022 1:20 pm

How do you THRIVE in a chaotic world?

Do you just succumb to the external pressure?

Or do you use that pressure like a diamond would, and make yourself more valuable?

A few weeks ago I was chatting with my mother, and I mentioned to her that there gets to a certain point in life where you can no longer put a fire out with water alone. You must fight fire with fire.

Think of a forrest fire.

What is one major tactic that firefighters use?

They start smaller fires around the perimeter hoping that this will prevent spread in the future.

Humans are the same way.

There IS A FIRE coming for you in your future.

No matter who you are.

No matter your age, demographic, job title, amount of $$$ in your bank account...

a fire will come for you some day.

The question is, will you be prepared for it?

Will you be physically strong enough for it?

Mentally strong enough?

Spiritually strong enough?

Will you have compassion, kindness, purpose... and a willingness to endure?

I cannot answer these questions for you.

I can only be a guide who is on my own journey of learning to become the fire, so that one day, I will be prepared for whatever fire comes my way.




The world becomes a better place the moment you decide to be better for the world. And sadly, I look around in real life, and on social media, and I find that the majority of people lack the ability to see themselves as the problem.

Instead, a finger always gets pointed at someone or something else.

This solves absolutely nothing.

What would solve something though?

If we all focused on becoming better versions of ourselves so that we can consistently help put out each other's fires.

We are all human. And we all deal with our own internal/external fires. The moment we all realize this, and empathize with each other, is the moment we have a chance to build a better place for all of us.



Have a wonderful weekend!



