Follow the light!

Mar 07, 2022 1:56 pm


It is the last week until we gain an extra hour of daylight at the end of our days.

To be honest, daylight saving's time is one of my favorite holidays. LOL.

Yes I know it is not a holiday, but I treat it like one.

The extra light has a major impact on my life.

And I write here today because I want you to start thinking about how you can utilize the extra daylight to improve your quality of life.

For me it means,

  1. I can now run on the lake at night with my wife. (She typically doesn't get home in time after work to run at night until there is enough light in spring/summer)
  2. More sunset photoshoots and creative content creation.
  3. Weekday community park workouts / events.
  4. More walks around the neighborhood after dinner.
  5. Overall I get more time in the sun and outdoors from spring-fall.

These are just some quick things I listed.

Let me be clear, I love life even when there is less light. I tend to use fall/winter as a time to focus on mental, physical, and spiritual recovery. Then I use spring/summer as a time to exert as much energy as I can into the world. Aka I operate with the seasons, rather than being against them.

What will the extra light bring you though?

Or a better question...

What will you bring to the extra light?

Will you continue to end your work day and just sit on the couch?

Or will you get the hell up and go do something outside?

There is a whole world out there for you to explore.

And it is time you take advantage of that.

Next week, I hope to see you start doing so.



p.s. I am grateful for the community here in Austin Texas who make even the "dark months" enjoyable. I never realized how depressed during wintertime I would get when I lived on the east coast. If you are someone who feels that, I recommend you move to a warm weather climate, as well as a place where people are active outdoors no matter what the conditions are. It will help your mental health tremendously.
