What would make today successful?
Jul 28, 2022 12:40 pm
Most likely doing the HARD THING that you keep putting off.
That thing where you get uncomfortable just thinking about it.
Forget the tasks.
Those will get done, or not get done, and be there tomorrow and everyday moving forward.
If you are determining your success based on how far you get through your "checklist" ...
you are setting yourself up to fail in the long run.
What I am asking you to do is...
Make the call.
Ask for the raise.
Ask for the help.
Invest the money.
Run the longer route.
Ask him/her out.
Do the the thing that will ACTUALLY move the needle forward in your life.
Okay CJ, easy for you to be on your pedestal and say this... but what are YOU doing?
Tomorrow I signed up to have a consulting call to get feedback on some of the work I have been doing recently.
As someone who likes to fly by the seat of his pants, and do it all by himself, slowing down to ask someone else to pick apart what I have been doing is not comfortable to me.
I'd rather be out running 10 miles LMAO.
Yet, I know I am at the point in my career where I know what I want to be a legit pro at, and I know what areas I need to rely on other experts to fill in the gaps.
But CJ, we are talking about today, not tomorrow...
What are you doing with these 24 hours to make the day successful?
Going to the gym at 8am and filming my routine like it is "my job."
^^^ You may be asking hmmm... "why is that "the hard thing?"
- I don't "like" lifting earlier in the day.
- Filming myself in the gym although it isn't hard, it depletes the experience of something I love dearly.
***I put like in quotes because I love being in the gym any time of day, but I prefer not to lift early for reasons like I am more creative in the morning, I'd rather run in mornings, I'd rather lift after I have had lunch and a new batch of caffeine.***
I view my gym sessions as a form of meditation. A place of play. Somewhere that I can THRIVE.
To get to the goals that I have... I need to switch this place of play into my place of "employment."
And fuck.... I hate being an employee.
There is a reason I didn't last long in the corporate world. LOL.
Fortunately these days I get to be an employee of myself...
but I am still an employee.
There is still a massive amount of monotonous systems and processes that need to be upgraded for my business.
One of those is showing up to the gym during a gap period and getting my filming done so that I don't waste time on other days.
To me, the monotonous upgrades ARE THE HARD THING.
And I wanted to show two sides of the coin.
The hard thing to move your needle forward doesn't have to be the thing you fear... it can also be the thing that you despise and continue to put off... yet you know it will unlock more doors for you if you just plow through it.
What is important, is you face one of those today.
So what will it be?
Will you do the hard thing today?
Or will you put it off and kick the can into tomorrow?
Your choice.
p.s. I am grateful that my "work" is a wide-variety that stimulates me each and every day.