Better late than never.
Mar 15, 2022 2:54 pm
How often have you stopped yourself from doing something just because it wouldn't be perfect? Or "on time?" Or fitting the exact criteria society placed on you/it?
It is 9:40 my time.
Way "late" for me to be writing my morning message.
Old me would have done two things...
- Beat myself up in my head because I didn't wake up earlier and just "get it done."
- Not do it at all and say "mehhh doesn't really matter anyway.
The problem with this ^^^
it is not realistic AT ALL.
Today I had an important chore that I had to handle for the mobuile sauna. That took precedence over writing today. While I could 100 percent write after the chore, like I am doing in this exact moment, the chore had a time window I had to hit.
Apply this to your own life, and your own time management.
Do you find yourself forcing yourself to do certain things, at certain times, all just to make yourself "feel" better for a short time?
Then that good feeling wears off rather quickly.
I have done this ^^^ a lot throughout my lifetime.
Over the years I have reflected on my days, and figured out how I can adjust and adapt, rather than remaining so restrictive about how things "should get done."
Done is done.
Flipping around the time they get done, and the way in which they get done, is reality.
And it is time you and I stop beating ourselves up mentally by trying to change this reality.
This week I want you to ADJUST and ADAPT to what life throws at you!
Take it all in stride.
Quiet the voice in your head that tries to make you believe you can have the perfect timing for everything.
And just focus on enjoying the time you GET.
p.s. today I am grateful for friends that have skills in so many different areas. Example: Clay, (friend / manager at Squatch) is great at construction / woodwork. He helped me make something for our sauna within 20 minutes today... which would have probably taken me 2 hours if I did it myself lol.