F*ck a "job," build your dream.
Dec 06, 2021 8:13 pm
^^^^ The OASYSS Sauna being put to good use during the How Do You Health? Fest this past weekend.
I just "worked" more hours in the past 4 days than I have in a long time.
For perspective, pretty much 12+ hour days for 4 days straight.
Not saying this to boast, nor competing.
Just saying.
Working like that is not sustainable and I don't condone it.
But here is the thing....today I did not wake up feeling like I needed a day "off," like you would think.
Actually, I woke up again at 6AM and got right back to "work."
While I do need some time to just relax, think and digest... overall I am feeling rejuvenated.
How could this be?
Because my "job" here on this spinning sphere in space, it involves building my dreams by helping other people build THEIRS.
And I am blessed to work with a team at How Do You Health? / MSW Lounge & Nutrition that believes in that same mission.
I am also blessed to be partnered in the OASYSS with someone who has this mission as well.
Most importantly, I am blessed to have a significant other who understands what it will take from me to bring these dreams to reality. Without her support, I couldn't do any of it.
One of my biggest takeaways from this past weekend, is that humans were meant for so much more than what most are currently doing with their lives.
Connection, movement, learning, growing, relaxing, restoring, singing, dancing, chanting, thinking, writing, speaking, breathing, hugging, loving, fuckingggg..... and so much MORE!!!
Not just a job... followed by Netflix / Social Media scrolling, couch, shitty processed foods, repeat during weeks.
Not just drinking, partying, escaping during weekends.
You, me, we... are meant for so much more!
But it is up to us to stand up and fight for it.
It doesn't come easily.
This week, I want you to grab hold of your dream. I want you to become obsessed with it. I want you to be willing to do whatever it takes to bring it to reality.
Because at the end of the day, it could be your last day.
And this world deserves to see your dream happen before that day comes.
p.s. today I am grateful for everything and everyone that had an impact on the HDYH Fest. A dream became a reality because of you.