Death by a thousand cuts.
Sep 27, 2022 2:30 pm
Most people fail to achieve what they want to achieve because of a thousand micro decisions/habits/actions...
Not one big failure.
Yet have you ever woken up in the middle of the night "afraid" of spending $10 on that extra drink at the bar, or found yourself having a panic attack because you scrolled on your phone all morning...
Fuck no you haven't lol.
If you are like me (human), you only worry about the big potential failures.
Let's break it down to this..
- Health
- Wealth
- Relationships
For health, many people fear of illness/disease/etc .... more than they fear the terrible micro habits that will eventually lead them to the disease in the first place.
For wealth, many people fear always being broke, losing their home/car/etc, and never achieving any level of financial freedom .... more than they fear their terrible micro habits they have of spending on clothes/technology/food/items that they don't need.
For relationships, many people fear being alone, fear being rejected, fear never being good enough ... more than they fear their terrible micro habits around poor communication, lack of personal accountability, and their inability to understand that relationships take consistent WORK.
Now for the reframe....
Instead of being afraid of the illness or disease /// be afraid that you won't put in the work to become the healthiest version of yourself.
Instead of being afraid you will never achieve the level of wealth that you wish to achieve /// be afraid that you won't wake up disciplined every day to make wise decisions around accumulating your wealth.
Instead of being afraid of being alone or losing your relationships /// be afraid of not putting in the self-work needed for you to attract the people that are meant for you.
Don't let yourself live a life that ends up as a "death by a thousand cuts."
Make the decision now to only fear not making the most of your here on earth.
p.s. today I am grateful that I have actively made the choice to live a life of intention... rather than allowing myself to fall into the trap of letting life go by.