you should be more successful than you are

Nov 30, 2022 3:15 pm

The title wasn't a knock on you!!!

We all COULD be more successful.

Over the course of your life though, I am sure you can remember a time you limited yourself.

And I want to help people lesson the amount of times they hinder themselves from reaching their goals/dreams!


Let's analyze "success."




What breeds "success?"

Constant learning.

What is the fastest way to learn?

Hang around others who you consider to be more intelligent, experienced, and wiser than you in the area of expertise you are hoping to learn about.

But this can be scary!

It means you may seem "dumb" in front of them.

You may feel like a failure before you even begin.


That is the price you pay if you wish to earn your expertise and "success" in any endeavor that you partake in.

And the faster you accept the fear of being a beginner, the faster you can overcome it and take steps down the path you are dreaming about.

Question for you...

Did you come out of the womb walking and talking?



You fell a lot.

And spoke gibberish a lot.

Now imagine you as a child...

You fall from walking...

And in your mind you decide, "mehhhhh I suck at this so I just won't walk."


Your parents laugh at your cute gibberish...

So you decide to never speak again.


Now transport back into your adult life and ask yourself how often you, or others around you, stop on a certain path just because they met some type of resistance on that path.

How often do you or others say you want certain things for your life, yet you lack the action and execution to make them happen because you are scared to "fall?"

My good friend Nick made a recent post which relates to what I am talking about.


Just like walking and talking, embracing new challenges, and overcoming them... is a LEARNED SKILL.

"Choosing daily to explore what you're capable of...instead of what you are comfortable with."


Read this twice. I know I did.

If you simply wake up and ask yourself "what am I capable of today?"

And you march on a path towards that.





Let's tie this back to the original thought of a quick way to learn.

Because time is money, and learning how to "walk and talk" more quickly in your endeavors helps you build momentum.

You don't need to read today's message and go jump into a room full of rocket scientists.

Because ...


It's something completely attainable to EVERYONE.

  1. Think of a few friends or acquaintances that you admire.
  2. Pay for their time. (Provide value to them up front, whether it is monetary, connections, bartering, etc)
  3. Spend an hour asking them targeted questions around what their greatest learning lessons were, how they gained their own skills, who had the biggest impact on their lives, what books / videos / courses did they invest in, etc.
  4. Repeat this process over and over again in the field of expertise you want to learn about.

Sounds simple right?

That is because it is!

Humans tend to overcomplicate everything.

Want success?

Learn to understand what "success" even means to you.

What do YOU define it as?

Struggle to determine a clear definition for yourself?

REACH OUT TO OTHERS who seem to have one.

Learn from them.

So CJ what is your definition?

One word.


Do what I want, when I want, where I want, and who I want to be there with me.

What is the constraint around this?


So how much money would I need to earn the "FREEDOM" I defined?

1 million dollars in stocks that earn about 5-7 percent every year.

Why this ^^^

Because that nets between 50-70k per year... from doing nothing.

Essentially I would have a small salary just from the interest earned from my accounts.

Here is the thing....

There is multiple ways to achieve this goal!!!

Real estate investments, cash flowing businesses, private money lending...

All of which I am also participating in.

I wanted to show you how to "start with the end" in mind.

Then reverse engineer what you must learn to get there.

So if you had to guess who the people I look to learn from...

Who would they be?

Hint Hint

Investors/Entrepreneurs/Authors/Creators/etc who have already achieved, or are on their way to achieving what my goal is.

These are mine.

Who are yours?

List them out now.

Reach out to them.

Provide them upfront value.

And take your next step towards the path you have defined for yourself!



p.s. I am grateful to have learned from some truly remarkable people who have spent their free time, energy, and money to help me inch towards my own greatest potential. All of you are in my mind constantly, nudging me towards greatness.
