
Dec 29, 2020 8:37 pm

Based on the subject line you are probably like WTF are you talking about CJ. lol.

Hear me out.

Yesterday while I was getting the final touches on my arm tattoo sleeve, I asked my artist Andrew when he started his path to drawing/artwork.

After hearing his story, I immediately replied with how bad I was at drawing/painting/etc. (I am really terrible at them. I do not have the patience for it).

But his response caught me off guard a bit.

He responds with, "Nah man you just didn't have enough "stick-to-it-ness" with drawing like you do with other things you love." He then went on to explain how he started with stick figures and got 1% better over and over and over again...until now he is someone I consider world class at his craft.

Such a valuable lesson in such a quick little part of our conversation.

How often do you judge yourself when trying something new? Then you end up giving up on it before giving it a TRUE shot to seeing if you'll really enjoy it?!?

You could not run before you walked, or walk before you why are you expecting to run in all areas of life when you haven't even learned to crawl yet?

Going into 2021 I want you to think about something that you are willing to "stick-to-it" for the long run. Give it a REAL shot.

I started this path 6-months ago when I told myself I would stick to running/biking/adding more cardio into my routine.

Now going into 2021, I will stick to my daily emails, my podcast, and my YouTube videos.

So what are you willing to stick to?

I'd love to know what is on your horizons and how we can help each other and stay accountable.

I hope you have an amazing Tuesday!



p.s. today I am grateful for the sunrise I got to see while walking around the track. It has been unusually warm lately and I have been loving the ability to get up and get out during the winter.
