What the world needs...
Feb 06, 2021 12:27 am
...is more people that have come to life.
I have said this quote here before.
"Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs most, is more people who come alive." - Howard Thurman
This week was a long one for me.
It was also emotional.
Anytime I help run health & wellness events, I am reminded of my WHY.
Reminded of the fact that there are people who have died that will never be able to be in attendance.
It is one of the main reasons I lead them.
Because I want to be the beacon of light in a dark world. Be the energy that helps others be more present, and focus on MAKING EVERY one of their HEARTBEATS COUNT.
And one of the YouTube videos I have watched over, and over, and over again to shine light, and gain energy for myself...it emphasizes the quote I stated above.
So if you have 10 minutes to spare, I highly recommend watching it and reflecting on your own life.
I hope you have an amazing weekend. Please do me a favor and do something that makes you feel ALIVE. Then go encourage others to do the same!
p.s. today I am grateful for a few of the projects I have in the works right now that I cannot release just yet. I am putting in massive amounts of work to make as much of a positive impact as possible. And it feels so good to be in love with the work, in love with the process, in love with the possibilities this universe grants.