1% better today = a better tomorrow.

Jul 31, 2023 12:39 pm


This week my newsletter will be switching from Sendfox to ConvertKit. To make sure that these emails don't end up in your promotions tab, or worse into spam, please add cj@cjfinley.com to your contact list.

If for some reason you aren't getting my future newsletters, check those folders. Fingers crossed that it goes smoothly and I see you on the other side. :)




So why am I switching email newsletter providers?

In all areas of my life I live by the motto "1% better."

I know that the day I live today is a culmination of 1% decisions I have made on previous days leading up.

And when I think about my content, I constantly find myself asking how can I improve it to be more valuable to YOU.

In the past, I would look at world class creators and writers, compare myself, and say "I could never become that."


Because I thought I had to go



So why was I placing that expectation on myself?

Eventually, I realized that all I needed to do was start.

And then once I started, ask myself

"how can I get just little bit better today?"

And when it comes to my newsletter, now that I am closing in on 600 total messages written over the years, I need a hosting platform that has more capability for me to provide more value, get more creative, and ultimately scale this thing and connect me with more high quality people like yourself.

For my tomorrow to be what I envision it to be, today I must make changes.

The same applies for you!

So, what does 1% better look like for you in the different aspects of your life?






Copy the list above.

Add to it.

And write out what 1% better is for each section.

Then do it over and over and over again.

And one day you will wake up and be able to say "damn I had planned for this life all along."



p.s. I am grateful for all the community events I was able to attend over the weekend. 3 days in a row I was surrounded by amazing people. It's something I cherish so much about the ATX.
