Find your peace.

Jan 31, 2021 9:12 pm

You should create habits that open your eyes to how small you truly are in this world.


To find peace.




There is battle going on in your head. At the corner of every decision you make, are the sounds of multiple voices. 

All of them trying their best to convince you that their way is the "safe" path. 

Yet, the reality is, there are no safe paths. Because down each one of those paths, no matter which way the voice has you head, is YOU. Your presence. And deep down, you know that you hold yourself back a lot of the time. Which is why you tend to be fearful of the path in the first place.

Many times, we are afraid of our true selves.

It is much easier to go down a path of the voice of someone else and fail...because then we can blame that, rather than ourselves.

Some of the questions that might go on in your head...

What if I don’t get the job?

What if I run out of money?

What if I fail?

What if?

The world does not revolve around your “what ifs” though. It goes on no matter how you feel, what you think, and the action/inactions you take. 

This is why it is important to remind yourself of how small you actually are...but also how big your IMPACT could possibly be if you DO THINGS instead of think about things.

Because instead of sitting around thinking about “what if’s,” you will instead focus your energy giving ALL YOU HAVE while you have the time here on earth.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. So choose how you spend your time wisely. And when you are happy with the time you have spent...

That is flow state to me.

That is peace to me. 

You, me, we...we are just a bunch of atoms smashed together. Here for an extremely short time compared to the age of the universe.

Instead of letting the sentence above scare you, use this knowledge to your advantage.

Your internal peace depends on it.

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!



p.s. today I am grateful to be writing this while sitting in the sun. There is nothing like starting your day feeling the warmth of the sun rays beating down on you.
