I am stressed.

Feb 03, 2021 9:18 pm

...but in a good way.

Stress happens to everyone.

You overbook yourself and then your head is spinning.

And usually this ends up in inaction.


I live by the quote "bite off more than you can chew, then chew like hell."

The reason I do this is because I have the mindset that nothing in this life really matters. (I am not a heart surgeon.)

The things I am working on, while important, they are not life or death circumstances.

If I mess up, forget something or someone, or completely fuck it up... it will leave me with a bruised ego, but not much else.

I tell you this because I want you to come to the same conclusion and stop stressing so much.

stress KILLS.

And I want you alive...because if you are alive, you have the opportunity to THRIVE.

The next two weeks I have booked myself way too tight for my liking.

This happens every year around SXSW.

But this year instead of letting it cripple me...

I am taking massive action.

And whatever happens, happens.


Because at the end of the day I know that I lead with a kind heart, I work my ass off, and I do my best to leave this world a better place with me here on it.

That is all I can do.

That is all anyone can do.

So go give a huge F you to your stress!

Take massive & messy action!

And leave your mark on this world.

You only have one life to do so.



p.s. today I am grateful for all the opportunities that have been blossoming lately. A lot of hard work has gone into planting seeds that are now starting to sprout. I look forward to continuing watering them.
