Look back to GO FORWARDS.
Feb 01, 2021 9:01 pm
Somehow it is already February 1st.
One month of 2021 DOWN.
How did it go for you?
Or how did it not go for you?
I have some questions for you to ask yourself today.
What can you learn from your January?
How did you show up?
What did you do?
Who were you surrounded by?
Why did you take the ACTIONS that you took?
I ask you all this because you will learn more from the ACTIONS that you took, compared to sitting around today and "thinking" about what you want your future to become.
Aka show me what you did last month...and I will show you where you are going this month....and beyond.
As for my January,
5 YouTube videos released (go checkout yesterday's release on PRICE vs. COST )
4 Podcasts ( Tune in HERE )
2 Events hosted
1 Health procedure
+ my customers/business partnerships ROCKED January.
I state all this not to brag. This baseline took me just about 4 years to get to, and it is still far behind what I want to get to. I'd really like to get a weekly LIVE show going, more events, and add a second consistent podcast to my belt. But time will bring that to me as long as I keep sharpening the axe I already am swinging.
What was your baseline in January? I'd love for you to share with me!!! We are on this journey together. And if you write down what you achieved last month, I guarantee you it will help you moving forward into this month. Plus, we can hold each other accountable. :)
Have a wonderful Monday and go kick February's ass!!!
p.s. I am writing this while sitting in the sun on my front porch. I am grateful I get to live in a place where I get to do this on February 1st.