Women of the world, THANK YOU.
Mar 08, 2022 2:22 pm
Apparently today is International Women's Day.
I wish I could tell you I knew this prior to waking up, but that would be a lie.
I know, because my wife told me, like the many other things she tells me that I am oblivious to. :)
So today we honor women.
And I ask you to think about the women in your life who have made the largest impact on you, and go thank them.
Whether it is a text, call, FaceTime, or in-person, take action and let them know how much they mean to you.
As for me, I have 3 that I would love to send my gratitude.
Many don't know this, but I am not the the person who thought of "THRIVEONLIFE."
Erin did.
The heartbeat in the logo?
Yeah that's all her.
This woman gave me the greatest gift anyone could ask for in life..
she gifted me my purpose.
She saw something bigger for me, and has been there for me for 20+ years.
Since we rekindled our relationship in 2015, I have done my best to step into the man I am meant to become for this world.
Today, I spend a lot of my time helping other people MAKE EVERY HEARTBEAT COUNT and #thriveonlife ... and it all started with the gift that Erin gave me.
Thank you Erin.
31+ years ago I was born with a fire inside me.
Even as a toddler I had a zest for life.
Don't believe me?
Ask this woman right here.
She is a major reason I had it!
My mother did everything she could to empower my brother and I to pursue our passions, grow our skills, and become respectable men.
She sacrificed her time, her passions, and a lot of her life to make sure we had opportunities that would bring our dreams to reality.
She also showed us how to laugh, love, and never take ourselves too seriously. It is one of the things I love about her most.
A loving hug, and a solid laugh is always possible if my mom is in the room.
And one day I hope to provide that same feeling for my own kids.
Thank you Mom.
p.s. I think I am one of the only people in the world that can get her to do the things she is afraid of. :)
Like going kayaking with me on Lady Bird Lake.
Cheers to all the times as a kid that you helped me conquer my fears Mom!
I am fortunate to say that I have known my mother in law for over 20 years.
I don't think many other people can say that.
As an 11 year old kid I would spend time at Lisa's (Erin's mom) house with all the neighborhood friends.
And for 10+ years a bunch of us would go down to their shore house every summer.
Throughout that whole time, I was able to witness someone who would do anything for her child. Someone who would go to great lengths to bring people together and cultivate an environment that provided so many memories for myself and so many others.
And she is someone who encouraged Erin to always be great. That nothing was impossible for Erin.
Because of this, it had a profound impact on me just by being around Erin for most of my life. My life became shaped in a better way because of how much you have loved and encouraged Erin. And today you love and encourage the both of us to continue to live up to our potential. Everyone deserves someone in their corner like you are in ours.
Thank you Lisa.
I am beyond blessed that I have had several great women in my life for so long. I truly understand how special it is for me to be able to say that.
Myself, and so many other men out there, we are indebted to the sacrifices you have made for us.
And every year I am granted to be on this earth, I promise to acknowledge this debt, and to lead with steps that are conscious of making the world better for all us.
p.s. To all women out there, keep making the world go round. I see you.